
Are You Out Of Your Mind?

Do you have a lot of urgent questions about your life?  “What is my purpose?”  “Why am I here?”  You probably won't get your answer by constantly thinking and worrying about your questions.


Rational thinking, reasoning and logic can only take you a limited distance. If you want to expand your vision, you must become consciously aware of your connection to Source. One way to arrive at solutions to burning questions is to open yourself up to Divine guidance.  Get out of your head and into your heart and soul.


This takes deliberate practice and commitment.  You see, your mind tends to be busy with everyday matters and is constantly entertaining all kinds of thoughts. Sometimes, there’s way too much going on at the top for you to decipher what’s important. For your big answers, you’ll need to travel down deep, beyond your intellect and into your core.  This is where you connect with your intuitive nature, and this is the place where your treasure resides.

In order to get to your big answers, you must learn to quiet your mind.  The solutions may not be revealed immediately.  Further, your solutions may not be disclosed in the way you were expecting.  A soft whisper during a meditation session could lead to more clarity.  Or your light may be turned on by a billboard message you spot on your morning commute—the one that you never paid attention to until that moment.  

Today, decide to establish an unshakable mindset.

  • Expect to receive.
  • Trust that you will receive.
  • Be open and ready to receive.
  • Pay attention to the signs and signals that show up on your path.


“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”— Matthew 6:6


Establish a daily practice of becoming still and present during certain times of the day, i.e. before getting out of bed in the morning, during your mid-day break and in the evening before you retire.  Picking a set time to form a deeper bond with Spirit  will allow you to connect with your higher self.  The answers you are seeking are not somewhere out there. They are already deep within you, but you need to be present, open and aware in order to receive your aha moments.  

Another way to gain clarity about your mission in life is to take good care of yourself.  How?  By following a healthy lifestyle.  I know — you just can’t avoid the H word. “Health” will surface in most important discussions you have about life.  The positive advantages of adopting a conscious and sustainable wellness protocol are endless. When you are well, you more likely to be aware of what’s happening around you.

Your everyday living experiences are interconnected.  Epiphanies are more likely to occur when all aspects of your life are aligned.  You can’t just say you want to know your purpose and expect an immediate answer, without actively participating in the process. Establish habits that will bring you closer to the solutions you are seeking.


Follow a healthy lifestyle

Eating wholesome, nutritious foods and adopting a regular fitness regimen will help you remain awake to your what.


Develop loving and supportive relationships

Laugh. Engage. Share. Socialize. Having interesting conversations with supportive people allows you to gain fresh, new perspectives.


Get your rest

Committing to a regular sleep schedule will keep you alert to life’s opportunities.


Schedule me time

Relax! It’s imperative that you schedule time throughout the day to connect with your inner knower.  These are your sacred sessions.  Make this a priority!  Eliminate distractions and create a favorable environment for prayer, meditation, and mindful breathing.  It’s in your relaxed state that you’ll hear that still, small voice.


Spend time in nature

Take breaks throughout the day.  Nature provides numerous therapeutic benefits.  Strolling through the forest preserve or sitting on a park bench serve as a complimentary therapy session offered by the great outdoors.  Delight in the seasonal colors, inhale the fresh air and revitalize your spirit. 



Free write in a notebook where you explore your feelings, experiences and dreams.  


Be curious

Venture into the unknown. Learn something new.  Ask questions.  Take classes.  Stretching yourself will open up a whole new world of opportunities that you never knew existed.

Enjoy your fascinating journey.  Savor every second. Learning to live in the present moment can help you gain understanding, develop insight and discover answers to big issues. 

So are you out of your mind? If you answered yes, that’s a good thing! Sometimes you just need to be “unreasonable” in order to experience desired results.  Get out of your head and allow yourself to be led with your heart and soul.  Provide Spirit a portal in which to regularly connect with you.  Your life’s work depends on it!

And while you’re waiting for your Divine appointment, live life like you already know what it is!  


Consider This                                                                                                                          

“Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.”—Francis Bacon


When you’re constantly talking and thinking and doing, you may miss subtle signs from the Universe! Stop. Listen. Learn.

Your Space

Do you have specific lifestyle concerns?  What wellness topics would you like to see addressed in future mailings?  What are some of your biggest challenges concerning health and happiness?  Please take a moment to share your thoughts and interests by clicking Contact


It can be challenging to achieve the level of success you desire on your own.  As a holistic health and wellness advocate, author, workshop facilitator, and motivational speaker, I would be happy to schedule a talk for your group or organization about the interconnectedness of wellness, spirituality and success.  To learn more about Lifestyle 120 and our Sprout Your New Life™ program, click here.


When your spirit is nourished, your inner light produces an outer glow reflecting your beauty and truth.


In love, peace and health,


T. Kari Mitchell, M. Ed

Motivational Speaker

Certified Holistic Health Coach

Certified Aromatherapist

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