Woman standing at a counter with hand on cup, conversing with a man

Go To The Source: Connecting With Experts In Your Field

I always say we never get where we’re going without partnerships. As you continue to rededicate your life to excellence, how will you enlist support? If you’ve been thinking about exploring your passions but don’t know who to ask for help, I encourage you to step forward and begin reaching out to make connections with individuals who share your interests.

Wondering where to begin?
Honestly, there’s no cookie-cutter answer because each person is unique with interests and talents as vast as the inner workings of the human mind. However, you want to approach this venture with confidence, high expectations and enthusiasm.  

You may not have anyone to connect with right now, but you will by the end of our little chat, if you follow these suggestions.

Do this first...
First, ask friends and relatives for recommendations. Tell them something about your aspirations and that you’d like to speak with someone in your field. Even if they can’t provide a name, they may know someone who can. But don’t be discouraged if they’re not able to offer much help. This is the start of your journey, not the end.

Do this next...
Do a little research. Start with the big picture. The library is a great resource, but also consider local schools or colleges, businesses and chambers of commerce. In the course of your research, you’ll probably find online communities and organizations that match your interests. For example, let’s say you have a passion for social justice reform and want to share your ideas at the local level. When you tap into the sea of social media, you’ll discover that it is replete with experts and groups that would be happy to connect with you. Additionally, check with leaders in your community, local government officials, state representative, and so on. Some of these key individuals could become potential partners.

Ask questions, shine your light and follow up...
People often love to talk about what they do, so have a short list of specific questions prepared prior to your call. Ask about opportunities, and be ready to describe your own skills and how they could match up. You have a lifetime of skills that can transfer to many different roles. However, if you’re really stepping out of your comfort zone, it’s okay to admit that you don’t know much. Be willing to talk about why you’re interested in this particular field. Ask if there’s anyone else you should talk to. Take notes and accept invitations to attend meetings and networking events. After the call, follow up with a thank-you note. Not only are you learning about how to strategically position yourself, you are building lifelong relationships. People who share your passions can help broaden your horizons.

You can’t have a conversation about your passion and purpose while sitting on your soft sofa, TV remote in hand. Release the remote, craft an email or reach for your phone and begin dialing. Your tribe is waiting to hear from you.

Consider This
How much time each week can you set aside for contacting people in your field? Plan for one hour. Keep track of your referrals. And after a few months, notice how your circle of allies has expanded.

Four Steps to Nourish, Transform and Flourish
• Set a loving intention to begin reaching out to experts in your area of interest this week.
• Tell friends and relatives what you’re up to and research individuals, communities and interest groups online.
• How will networking with like-minded individuals help you to further identify your objectives and work your purpose?
• Close your eyes and visualize how this lifestyle change can prepare you for your amazing second half.

Need help with a connection plan?

It can be challenging to maintain momentum on your own. My Sprout Your New Life™ course will give you the tools and the strong spiritual foundation to make lasting change in your life. Click here for more.

In love, peace and health--
Your feminine glow guide,

T. Kari Mitchell, M.Ed.
Motivational Speaker
Certified Holistic Health Coach

When your spirit is nourished, your inner light produces an outer glow reflecting your beauty and truth.

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