
What Will Day Two Look Like?

Do you sometimes feel that your identity has been so wrapped up in family responsibilities and others’ expectations that you’re not sure how to shine your own light? Today, I’d like to provide a little encouragement and inspiration.

If you’re stuck on a never-ending cycle of stifling and unfulfilling sameness, and are ready for a shift, there’s no better time than now.  Today is the first day of your new life, and you get to choose what day two looks like.  Say that aloud:  “Today is the first day of my new life, and I get to choose what Day Two looks like.”  Words of intention are powerful.  There’s something fresh and exhilarating about honoring a bold declaration.  You’re not limited by previous experiences.  Now all you have to do is believe every word of it!

“Never say ‘yes’ to others if it means you’re always saying ‘no’ to yourself — Elle Sommer

We’re not going to get into a bunch of how-to’s and what-to-do’s here. You’ve taken the first small step — acknowledging your situation and affirming a change.  The only thing I ask is that you enjoy some me-time this week.  Go for long walks.  Sit quietly and meditate for as long as you want.  Read inspirational messages and listen to uplifting audios.  And just BE!  

Think about how you’ve been showing up over the last few years.  Reflect on your choices and your relationships with others.  Images of people and situations may come into view.  Are you a people pleaser?  Are you trying to satisfy everyone else at the expense of your own happiness?  Do you tend to ignore your needs and sacrifice your desires for what you think others want?  

Deep breath in — now release!

Without resistance, allow yourself to experience any emotions that come up.  How can you become more authentic?  What is yours to do?  Trust your inner voice.  What would make you spring out of bed each morning with zest and zeal?  Grant yourself permission to go there.  Be honest and gentle with yourself.  Your feelings are potent clues to your what and why. Your curiosity may lead to answers that were there all along.    

Pray.  Breathe.  Meditate.  Affirm.  Repeat!

You can’t expect others to please you.  At the end of the day, you’re responsible for choosing the way you want to show up.  The relationship that endures is the relationship that you nurture with yourself.  Say this out loud:  “I deserve to be happy!”

You were not born to live a diminished life.  You were made for a time such as this.  Uncover what’s been holding you back so your truth can be revealed. Permit your inner wisdom to guide you this week.  Know that you are a part of a sacred, Divine trust.  You are a unique expression of God, and this is the time to allow your light to shine through.

Consider This
In order to make a change, you must first recognize and acknowledge the need for change.  Then you must replace your old way of thinking with new intentions.  And finally, enlist support from those who have your back.

Four Steps to Nourish, Transform and Flourish
• Today, set a loving intention to begin shining your inner light.
• Begin by spending some quiet time with yourself and asking hard questions about what you want your life to look like.
• How will spending me-time, meditation and prayer reveal your truth?
• Close your eyes and visualize how this lifestyle change can prepare you for your amazing second half.

Need help with creating your next act?

It can be challenging to maintain momentum on your own.  My Sprout Your New Life™ course will give you the tools and the strong spiritual foundation to make lasting change in your life.  Click here for more.

In love, peace and health--
Your feminine glow guide,

T. Kari Mitchell, M.Ed.
Motivational Speaker
Certified Holistic Health Coach

When your spirit is nourished, your inner light produces an outer glow reflecting your beauty and truth.

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